
Welcome to the void

This webpage serves as a digital sanctuary I have built for myself, a place where I can freely give expression to the quiet voices in my mind.

Here you will find me writing about topics I'm interested in, such as my hobbies, my personal projects, my musings and little stories. I hope you'll find something you can take back with you, however small it may end up being.

What is the void?

The void is a metaphorical representation of my psyche, my inner self, all the things I am and ever will be. The void also serves as a dream-land, filled with oddities, the wierd and wonderful, the dark and mysterious, the sad and painful.

If you happen to find yourself within the void, don't neglect to listen carefully, reach into its silence. You may just find what you are looking for.


The completion of this site is not a priority. It may, at any time, become abandoned. If you happen to stumble here, thank you for visiting. I really mean it.

I don't know what else to put here, I'll think of something later.

Contact: v01dne7@gmail.com