

Welcome to my Personal Journal. Here you'll find a collection of my poems, random thoughts, my reflections, Introspections, and Ponderings.

Before continuing, take a moment to relax, and let yourself drift into the void with me.

24/06/2024 Part II

Burnt my knuckles today on the oven. Now they're red. Don't feel any pain though. That's todays random update.


I don't think I'll be able to do much today, I'm just so tired. I'll try to add some stuff, but it won't be a lot.


Eternal Dream 23/06/2024

Sometimes I just want to sleep forever,

To be stuck within a dream.

A dream where I soar above the clouds,

Feeling the warmth of the setting sun.

A dream where I swim across the world's oceans,

Feeling the chill of the waters below.

A dream where I don't have to fix broken memories,

Or relive my deepest fears.

A dream where I can feel safe, and happy.

And never wake up again.

Morning struggle 22/06/2024

I know I have to get out of bed,

Even if today feels just like yesterday.

But the embrace of my blankets

Is so warm and gentle.

I'm not ready to leave,

Just a few more moments

Of bliss.

Shadow of a Rainbow 19/06/2024

When the world lacks any colour

A rainbow is just a shadow in the sky


I would put something meaningful here, but i'm just too tired today.

Just, no matter how much I write into this page, nothing feels right. Not even this sentence.

I'll come back later, and make something I can be proud of, I just need some time to get it right.